Home    Association For Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa    Contact Us

      Advances in the History of Rhetoric (Vol. 9)

      American Presidential Rhetoric

      American Society for the History of Rhetoric

      Ancient Rhetoric

      Arabic Rhetoric (open access via Google)

      Aristotle's Rhetoric

      B Mral: Bush's War Rhetoric

      Chinese Rhetoric Society

      Documentary Rhetoric



      German Rhetoric

      Informal Logic

      International Rhetoric Culture Project

      International Society for the History of Rhetoric

      Institute for anthropological research

      Kairos: Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and       Pedagogy

      M. Carrithers on Rhetoric and Culture

      Medical Rhetoric

      Nordic Rhetoric Network

      Philosophy & Rhetoric

      Philosophy and Rhetoric in Dialogue, G. Hauser       Ed

      Photojournalism (Rhetoric) Hariman-Lucaites

      Polish Rhetoric (By courtesy)


      Quarterly Journal of Speech, 94 (1) (By courtesy       of JL Lucaites, Editor)

      Rhetorical review

      Rhetorical in Africa

      Rhetoric Society of America

      Rhetorical Theory (basics 1)

      Rhetorical Theory (basics 2)

      Rhetoric's View of Anthropology.

      SA politics at Polity

      Rhetoric - Wikipedia

      Scandinavian Rhetoric

      The National Communication Association

      The Rhetoric of Pope John Paul II

      The Rhetorical Shape of International Conflicts,
      Javnost-The Public. 12/4, 2005.

      Visual Rhetoric

The Centre was founded in 1995, as an academic response to the establishment of democracy in South Africa, and in the wake of a large international conference on "Persuasion and Power" held in July 1994. The Centre is unique on the Continent and concerns itself with multi-disciplinary research in public rhetoric, deliberative democracy and argumentative culture. In 2004 the Centre underwent a formal Review which recommended its continuation. Since 2007 the Centre is affiliated to the Centre for Film and Media Studies.

The Centre for Rhetoric Studies is home to the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa founded in 1994 (ARCSA). The Centre, with and apart from ARCSA, has sustainable relations with the American National Communication Association, the Rhetoric Society of America the International Rhetoric Culture Project based in Mainz, Germany and EURICOM, in Slovenia, as well as the newly-established African Association for Rhetoric.

The Centre is also a participant in international projects mainly with European Union counterparts (currently: BI School of Management, Oslo, Norway; Institute for Multi-disciplinary Studies, U. of Warsaw, Poland; Department of Philosophy, U.of Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

The Centre offers a MPhil in Rhetoric Studies made up of graduate courses in rhetoric administered from the Centre for Film and Media Studies, a MPhil in Rhetoric Studies by dissertation alone and the degree of PhD. For registration enquiries contact the Administrative Assistant, Mrs Robyn Udemans:

Rhetoric Report 2006 to the University Research Committee
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The Centre has a director, Philippe-Joseph Salazar, and a number of honorary associates.

Professor Cheryl Glenn, Penn State, appointed first A. W. Mellon Visiting Fellow (2009) in the Centre for Rhetoric Studies

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