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AYOR 4.1 - Rhetoric of Statecraft in Africa

Surveillance/Rhetoric just released! Antonio Negri is among the contributors.

L’art de séduire l’électeur indécis

Figures de l’Etat – co-edited and co-authored by P. Michel, C. Mihali, Ph-J Salazar

Publisher's Presentation

Paroles de Leaders - Philippe-Joseph Salazer

L'hyperpolitique, une passion fran?aise
Philippe-Joseph Salazar

Erik Doxtader's latest book "With Faith in the Works of Words"

The African Year Book of Rhetoric

African Yearbook of Rhetoric Vol.2 No. 1

Great Liberation Speeches of Africa VOL 2,3<

Launch of Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa The Fundamental Documents

Read Speeches and see photos of the launch

Hanno Hardt, Eloquent Walls

Heidegger and Rhetoric

Festschrift Marc Fumaroli

Read Review

Thirty Years of Rhetoric Research in France

Amnistier l'Apartheid (French excerpted version of the Truth and Reconciliation Report)

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Last update 24 August 2018