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France Culture: Salazar in dialogue, Does reconciliation ensure peace?

Ambassador Glenn Babb, author of a contribution on diplomatic rhetoric in AYOR 3.1, on Canadia talk show The Sunday Edition

Le Bien Commun (28/6/2003 France Culture ) (dialogue between legal theorist O. Cayla, philosopher B. Cassin, magistrate A. Garapon and Ph-J Salazar, on rhetoric and politics, and reconciliation in South Africa)

Cultures d’Islam (7/5/2006 France Culture) (dialogue between Tunisian philosopher Abdelwahab Meddeb and Ph-J Salazar, on Mahomet)

Tire ta Langue (3/2/2004 France Culture) (dialogue between journalist Antoine Perraud and Ph-J Salazar, on the art of rhetoric)

Salazar comments French Presidential elections on prime time programmes, 28/2/12:

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