Rituals of complicity, the 'humanities' rhetoric, and the closing of the South African mind, Social Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2012, 4854 (pre-print version).
Confessions of a Sometime Opium Eater , Philosophy and Rhetoric, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2012, 335-342 (pre-print version).
La libertà di Marx. O una lossodromia retorica sulle Tesi su Feuerbach - See Website Link
- Retorica, Derecho Y Politica. Acerca De Algunos Retoremas Franceses, Retor 1 (2), pp. 215-229, 2011
- Nobel Rhetoric
L' antidote au mal politique (Rhetorical Reading of Evil) - Littérature n° 149 (1/2008) - PDF Document
Rhetoric's View of Anthropology. (By courtesy of the Editor of Revista de Antropologiá)
- Rhetoric and Censorship
Legal rhetoric and Reconciliation(from Quest, XVI.1-2, 2002,p. 178-185)
- Lesa Humanidad: Crime against humanity
The rhetoricity of international politics; in Chinese, trans. by Cindy Zhao, publication in process
- Marx's lesson regarding liberation; in Arabic, trans. by M Khateb, Transeuropeennes, Nov 1012
- 'Mierda' . On "evil" in politics. A rhetorical analysis
- Tomar el poder por la palabra: elementos de fabricación de la retórica electoral, Rétor 2 (2), 2012.
- Lart de séduire lélecteur indécis
- Paroles de Leaders
Figures de lEtat co-edited and co-authored by P. Michel, C. Mihali, Ph-J Salazar
- Figures de lEtat - Presentation
Figures of the Republic (author's proofs)
Mbekis presidential rhetoric
A rhetorical analysis of a parliamentary event, 2003
Rhetoric in Africa. Three Encounters
- L'hyperpolitique, une passion française
- Afrique du Sud. La révolution fraternelle
- L' Intrigue Raciale
Pour une renaissance de l'art citoyen de rhétorique
Working Papers, vol 56, College international de philosophie.
- English Catholics: eloquence, controversy, tradition
- Papal Rhetoric
Desmond Tutu's Rhetoric
The Rhetorician as Melancholiac (authors proofs/ Philosophy and Rhetoric 41/4 2008, printed version on JSTOR)
- La Divine Sceptique. Ethique et Rhétorique
L'écrivain et le politique
Heidegger and Rhetoric
Introduction to Thirty Years of Rhetoric Research in France (by courtesy of the author)
- French Rhetoric and Philosophy (from Philosophy and Rhetoric, 40.1, 2007, p. 71-88)
The philosopher and the princess, a philosophical dialogue (from: Femmes Savantes, Savoir des Femmes, C. Nativel ed., Geneva, Droz, 1999)
- Left Bank, Right Bank. Roland Barthes' Gay Stroll
- Herculean Lovers. Towards a History of Men's Friendship in the 17th Century, Thamyris,1997, 4/2, 249-266.
- The Disappearance of Jacques Derrida (page 2) (by courtesy of the author)