Welcome to the site of Rhetoric in Africa. You will find here information on the Centre for Rhetoric Studies, Faculty of Law, at the University of Cape Town, the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa and the African Yearbook of Rhetoric , as well as a great deal of information on Rhetoric Research on and in Africa. Our brief is the interface between rhetoric (as the study of deliberation in public affairs) and the development of democracy - by engaging with the international community of scholars and practitioners in rhetoric.
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In 2016 PhD candidate Klaus Kotzé received a prestigious doctoral grant, the A W Mellon Rhetoric Scholarship awarded at the University of Cape Town by the Mellon Foundation. He has represented the Centre for Rhetoric Studies at two international conventions: The Annual Conference of the Global Discourse Society, Wuhan, China, 2016; and The Graduate Institute (Geneva) and BRICS Policy Center: Global South Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, 2017. In 2016 postdoctoral fellow Dr Justin Snell was awarded an AW Mellon-UCT Postdoctoral Fellowship in Rhetoric Studies. He presented his research at the International Rhetoric Workshop in Uppsala under the title “Rhetorical scenarios of space engagement”. This was subsequently published as Rhetoric and Urbanism in the African Yearbook of Rhetoric Vol 7, 2016-7, of which he was Guest Editor. Under the theme of “Foundations and Projections” and using South Africa as vehicle, he examined the pivotal role that the dialogue between rhetoric and conceptions of ‘space’ played both during Apartheid and continues to exert in the ongoing evolution and formation of a democratic South Africa. In 2017 he put forward a Fellowship proposal to the ISHR: Rhetoric/Images/Cities : Future founding for deliberation.
In 2017 Philippe-Joseph Salazar released two books. Blabla République focused on the decay of deliberation in modern politics, in the case of the French general elections. And the (augmented and revised) American version of his rhetorical study of the Islamic State Words are Weapons: Inside ISIS’s Rhetoric of Terror
In 2017 Salazar was invited to address the Fondazione MAST in Bologna https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-philippe-joseph-salazar-parole-armate-comprendere-e-combattere-la-propaganda-terrorista-34850171802 and he keynoted a presentation at the Berlin literature festival
https://www.haus-fuer-poesie.org/en/literaturwerkstatt-berlin/events/current-events/podiumsdiskussion-poesie-und-propaganda .
In September 2017 an event was held at the Gino Germani Institute at the University of Buenos Aires, to mark thirty years of Salazar’s work in political rhetoric, organized by Professor Claudia Hilb. On that occasion Professor Lucas G Martin, of the University de Mar de Plata, presented two books to which Salazar and Hilb contributed, rounding off eight years as co-lead investigators of a joint research on rhetoric and reconciliation: Un Pasado Criminal and El pasado es hoy (both edited by Professor Martin).
At the end of 2016 the Centre for Rhetoric Studies gained affiliation to the Faculty of Law and in 2017 the postgraduates programmes in Rhetoric were registered in the Department of Private Law.
www.africanrhetoric.org and on the SABINET PLATFORM (we recommend using SABINET): Volume 8 has been released:
AYOR 8 - The "Deep State" as Rhetoric

Ph-J Salazar awarded prestigious Prix Bristol des Lumières for his book, Paroles Armées

Salazar's new book on jihadist propaganda Paroles Armées

Salazar interviewed on prime time show,
French international channel TV5 Monde

Panorama des Idées reviews Salazar's lifelong contribution to rhetoric
Paroles Armées in the media
Salazar interviewed on Demorand show on France Inter
Read Salazar's interview in La Nacion
- Le Figaro: La Force de l'Eloquence PDF
- Le Nouvel Observateur: Nelson Mandela est mort, Nelson Mandela est mort _ en Afrique du Sud, c'est comme perdre un parent - le Plus
- Les Influences: Mandela Orateur, Mandela Orateur - Les influences _ des idées et des hommes
A Tribute to Nelson Mandela, A Tribute to Nelson Mandela _ Conservatives
Following a generous 5-year endowment by the A W Mellon Foundation of New York to support postgraduate studies in Rhetoric, the Mellon-UCT Graduate Scholarships and Fellowship, we are proud to announce that, following the first four awards in 2013, two new awards have been made for 2014: Mr Vladimir Gjurovikj (Masters Scholarship) and Dr Michael Coombes, Postdoctoral Fellowship. |
Rhetoric Honours Class 2015
Rhetoric Honours Class 2013